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future shock是什么意思

发布时间:2021-01-12 作者: 英语查

future shock 是什么意思


future:    n. 1.未来,将来。 2.前途,远景。 3.〔pl.〕 ...
shock:    n. 1.蓬乱的一堆(毛发)。 2.长毛蓬松的狗;狮子狗 ...
Future Shock is a book written by the futurist Alvin Toffler in 1970. In the book, Toffler defines the term "future shock" as a certain psychological state of individuals and entire societies.


1.Future shock arises from the superimposition of a new culture on an old one

2.It is advisable for people to face up to the future challenges by bettering themselves , because the future shock is independent of man ' s will

3.In each case , tighter monetary policy increases risk by reducing financial buffers or otherwise increasing the vulnerability of individuals or firms to future shocks to the economy

4.A . toftler who is the american famous futurologist firstly brought forward the mass customization concept in the future shock in 1970 , which he said that mass production would be substituted by new production mode called " none - large scale "
Toffler ) ,他在1970年出版的著作《未来的冲击》一书中就提到大规模定制生产将是未来生产的新趋势。他把这种生产方式称为“非大量化” ,该观点引起了许多企业经营管理者和学者的关注。

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